UPDATE: We successfully purchased the Legacy Ranch land! Below you will find our initial building plan. Will you prayerfully consider helping us break ground and heal lives? Thank you very much for your generosity!

In 2020, new doors have opened to plant the very first Legacy House for aged out foster boys in Ormond Beach!


The awesome ambition the Lord has given us is to purchase a lush 10+ acre property that will be a short drive from the first Legacy House for girls in Ormond. On the property we will plant an initial Legacy House where Brandi and I will live as the first House Parents for the boys. Likewise, we will plant a small exotic fruit farm for the boys to learn to work while attending school online. The Legacy boys (& girls!) will have the opportunity to work with their hands and learn valuable business skills as they sell the produce and smoothies at local farmers markets. This model not only helps our aged-out foster youth to develop essential work and business skills, but also increases stability by providing supplemental income to the ministry for years to come.


After touring several properties, we believe we have found the perfect 15-acres to make the Legacy House for aged-out foster boys a reality! Not only does the land provide the space necessary to accomplish our mission, its location will place the boys home only 15-20 minutes from the girls, enabling both homes to have regular family meals and Bible studies together. Our goal is to purchase the land with cash, then use the deed to the land as collateral to have affordable modular housing delivered to the property. Funds that exceed our goal will be spent on the property development and housing.


Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, (as of May 25th 2020) we have already successfully raised $40,000 of the $75,000 necessary to buy the 15-acre property!


By the grace of God, we are now under contract and the Seller has afforded us with extra time to raise the remaining $35,000 by July 14th 2020. Will you prayerfully consider making a donation to launch the very first Legacy Ranch? With your help we will not only meet our goal but will together restore the legacies of foster youth for generations! This is truly world changing, life restoring, essential work and we are exceedingly grateful for your generosity as well as your fervent prayers. The Lord Jesus Christ is on the move in our city, our state, and our great nation and we are thrilled to witness His Kingdom on Earth!


“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
John 14:18